Aga Khan Hospital in Kisumu, Kenya
On behalf of AKDN (AGA KHAN DEVELOPMENT NETWORK), TAMassociati has developed the expansion project of the Kisumu hospital.
The first project lot involves the construction of a new hospital facility with 110 beds, 4 operating and intensive care rooms, spaces for diagnostics, maternity, pediatrics, for a total area of 8530 m2 distributed over four floors and basement.
The master plan of the new hospital plans to expand the current hospital structure already in operation to 400 beds. The first lot project involves the construction of 110 hospital beds, 4 operator and intensive care rooms + spaces for diagnostics and maternity and pediatrics for a total area of 8530 sq.m distributed over four floors and basement.
The hospital will have a major urban and local impact and will be a new urban landmark.
Great attention was given to the thermal “passivity” of the envelope in order to minimize the use of systems and air conditioning.
Place: Kisumu (LU), Kenya
Client: Aga Khan Development Network
Status: realized
Design: TAMassociati
Consultants: Chani Lall Partnership (local architect), Geomax Consulting Engineers (MEP), Civil Engineering Design (K) Ltd (structural engineering), Stratton Castell & Partners (computations)