WINNING PROJECT – Architecture Award Building-Integrated Solar Technology

The EMERGENCY ONG Onlus Children’s Surgical Hospital in Uganda, designed by RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop and TAMassociati, won an award at the Architecture Awards Building-Integrated Solar Technology 2022, competition organised by the Bavarian Association for the Promotion of Solar Energy.

Our building was considered an excellent example of a climate-friendly building powered by solar panels and built employing local materials, a solution replicable not only in the African continent but in a variety of contexts.
The design of the hospital combines a linear building with a roof consisting of a suspended canopy structure supporting 3,700 square metres of photovoltaic panels, which already provided approximately 45,000 kWh of electricity in the first year.

The planning and carrying out of this project involved numerous professionals and organisations:
Client/Project owner: EMERGENCY ONG Onlus
Design: RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop & Studio TAMassociati
Design team: RPBW, TAMassociati, EMERGENCY Field Operations Department, Building Division
Consultants: Milan Ingegneria (structure); Prisma Engineering (MEP); Franco and Simona Giorgetta (landscape); GAE Engineering (fire consultant); J&A Consultants

▶ More about the project: here’s the link
▶ More about the building: here’s the link

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